Monday, September 15


The other day I HAD to get some work done in the office. Now, I don't know about your home office, but ours is stocked full of non-baby-proof items. So, we have put up a baby gate to keep Rebekah from getting in. As you can only imagine... that just makes her mad. She wants to be in with whoever is in the office. This time I decided to take a chance, hoping there was some way to keep her entertained long enough for me to get the stuff done that I REALLY had to do. I found a sheet of Disney stickers and let her have them.
For half-an-hour Rebekah had been really good and stayed in one spot on the carpet not getting in to anything. In order not to jinx it, I worked as hard as possible to get my stuff done and barely looked up at her to check that she was okay. By the time I was finished with my stuff, this is what I saw....

So, thank you to the Disney junk mail we get and the stickers that come with them. If not for you, I would still be trying to get my stuff done. Rebekah loves stickers!! Thanks to her Aunt Brenda for teaching her how to put them on her legs. (REALLY-- I mean it... THANKS!!!)


Karen S said...

Those very same stickers have also adorned the arms and legs and stomachs of our girls. We love free stuff (especially if it has anything to do with Mickey).

Bren said...

umm... where else is she supposed to put them?

M. Sperber said...

I want to teach her how to burp and cover her mouth right after with the sticker. That way you have to remove the sticker and guess what, there is a prize waiting for you on the other side now too!!!!!