Tuesday, July 22

Latest Ultrasound


Edit: Katy spilled the beans...It's a boy. At least that's what the ultrasound person thinks, but she was only "pretty sure" since the fetus didn't really let her get a good look. Suppose it's good that he's modest. Lesson learned: Don't rely on Katy to keep a secret, especially when it's a good one.

We had an ultrasound this morning to make sure the baby is growing right and that it has all the right body parts that it should have. We learned the sex of the baby, but we want to see what you guys all think it will be. We will reveal the real sex (according to the ultrasound technician) in a few days. So, make sure you vote!!!

Here is a scan of the only ultrasound pic they gave us. I was hoping for a couple, but oh well. Enjoy!


Leanne said...


Robert and Suzanne said...

Surely you will tell your dad in advance.

Jen Lynn said...


Tera said...

I am thinking maybe a girl?

Tera said...

Congratulations! Boys are a completely different world, and so is the second child. They are just wired differently. Hopefully the ultrasound tech was right, just don't take off the tags of any clothes you buy!


Russell Family said...

Very exciting!! :) Any names picked out yet??

Bren said...

I think that Katy is completely capable of keeping a secret, even the important ones... Her family on the other hand will go to unnecessary measures to find out whatever they can. In her defense, it was not her fault and should not be blamed.

Don't worry Katy, I got your back!

Jennie said...

Very cool. So exciting!!!